breastfeeding and sleep support

At Wahini Health, we are delighted to collaborate with Arnikka from SuckleBubs, a dedicated expert leading the way in newborn care, breastfeeding support, and holistic sleep solutions. Arnikka, a Neonatal Intensive Care Registered Nurse (NICU) with accreditation in Neuroprotective Developmental Care (NDC), brings a wealth of experience to guide families through the transformative journey of early parenting.

In the therapeutic space crafted by Arnikka, understanding newborn behaviour and neurodevelopment, navigating breastfeeding, and achieving holistic sleep seamlessly integrate into your parenting journey. This is more than a service; it's a collaborative partnership, where expertise seamlessly meets empathy, and your unique experience is embraced with genuine care. 

Embracing a preventative approach, Arnikka prioritises education to prepare families for the postpartum period, with a special emphasis on understanding baby behaviours. Her holistic sleep support transcends conventional methods, offering strategies for biologically normal infant sleep, fostering deep connections, and alleviating stress for the entire family.

Our Services

  • Embark on a transformative journey with Arnikka’s specially crafted Newborn Masterclass. This comprehensive session is designed to guide you through the nuances of early parenthood, offering insights into understanding your baby in those precious initial weeks.

    The Newborn Masterclass will share invaluable tips on supporting your breastfeeding experience from day one, deciphering your baby’s communication cues, exploring the fascinating world of brain development, and establishing a healthy foundation for newborn sleep. This masterclass is a must for all parents, providing essential knowledge that goes beyond the basics.

    As a bonus, helpful resources will be emailed to you after your appointment, ensuring you have ongoing support on your parenting adventure.

    This service is tailored for you if:

    • You are expecting your first or second baby

    • You aspire to set up your feeding journey for success

    • You want to prevent nipple damage

    • You want realistic expectations for the fourth trimester

    • You want to understand baby behaviours

    This comprehensive consultation includes:

    • In-depth history assessment

    • Thorough breast and nipple assessment

    • Understanding baby communication

    • Understanding your baby’s sensory needs

    • Co-regulation strategies

    • Supportive guidance on positioning, latch and hold for feeding

    • Education about cue-based care

    • Practical strategies for partners to provide support in the fourth trimester

    • Education on newborn sleep and neurodevelopment

    • Education about how to support your newborn to develop healthy biological sleep regulators for healthy sleep from the beginning

  • In a world where global breastfeeding rates linger at 48%, Arnikka is steadfast in her commitment to guide and support your breastfeeding journey through comprehensive antenatal education and early postpartum assistance. Drawing from years of experience, over 1,000 clinical hours of direct breastfeeding support and 150 hours of lactation-specific education, Arnikka is equipped to address a spectrum of challenges and foster a successful and fulfilling feeding journey.

    This service is tailored for you if:

    • You aspire to set up your feeding journey for success

    • Your baby exhibits signs of breast refusal, back-arching, fussing, or on-and-off breastfeeding

    • You experience nipple soreness or damage

    • Milk supply concerns

    • You have flat/inverted nipples or require nipple shield assistance

    • Mastitis

    • Pumping

    • Return to work

    • Infant weight concerns

    • Weaning support

    This comprehensive consultation includes:

    • In-depth history of you and your baby

    • Thorough breast and nipple assessment

    • Evaluation of feeding technique

    • Assessment of growth and weight

    • Observation of a feeding session

    • Supportive guidance on positioning, latch and hold

    • Education about cue-based care

    • Creation of a personalised feeding plan tailored to your unique needs

  • This evidence-based consultation is rooted in sleep science and biology, supports deep connection, reduces stress and anxiety, and empowers your family to achieve more manageable nights without resorting to cry-it-out methods. Designed to provide strategies that align with biologically normal infant sleep, nurturing your baby and supporting their development.

    This service is for you if:

    • You seek sleep solutions that prioritise gentle evidence-based methods over cry-it-out approaches

    • Your family is navigating stress and anxiety related to sleep challenges

    • You want to establish more manageable night time routines

    • You aim to support your baby's biologically normal sleep patterns

    • Nurturing your baby's development is a top priority

    This comprehensive consultation includes:

    • In-depth history of you and your baby

    • Myth busting! An overview of the evidence around sleep

    • Thorough feeding and growth assessment

    • Considerations for your unique family needs/dynamic

    • Creation of a personalised plan tailored to your unique family

    • Strategies to support the whole family

  • Holistic support for persistent crying, fussing, and colic-related challenges. Addressing a broad range of behaviours associated with colic, this service delves into the interconnected factors influencing your baby's well-being, such as health, feeding, sleep, sensory needs, and temperament. If your baby experiences difficult-to-soothe persistent crying and fussing, this service is designed to explore and implement strategies to support your family during this time.

    This service is for you if:

    • You seek solutions that prioritise gentle methods over cry-it-out approaches

    • Your family is navigating stress and anxiety related to crying/fussing challenges

    • You want to establish more manageable rhythms

    • Nurturing your baby's development is a top priority

    • Your baby is crying/fussing/vomiting and you are concerned

    • You want to approach your baby from a holistic based approach that considers the whole picture

    This comprehensive consultation includes:

    • In-depth history of you and your baby

    • In-depth education about neurodevelopment, infant mental health, parental mental health, sensory needs, co-regulation, sleep, feeding and temperament. I look at the whole picture!

    • Thorough feeding and growth assessment

    • Considerations for your unique family needs/dynamic

    • Creation of a personalised plan tailored to your unique family

    • Strategies to support the whole family

    • Referral to appropriate medical practitioners if applicable