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Publications and Presentations
Tristan Symonds, Sapna Dilgir, Ajay Rane, Venkat Vengaveti. Audit of the Outcomes and Intraoperative Complications in Single Incision and Retropubic Slings for Treating Stress Urinary Incontinence. Clinical Research in Urology 2018;1(2):1-4
Ajay Rane and Sapna Dilgir. Defecatory Dysfunction and the Pelvic Floor. Current Obstetrics and Gynaecology Reports 2017 Sept;(03):237-242
Oral presentation on Vaginal Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopy at AGES Pelvic Floor Symposium 2018 (Brisbane)
Lead investigator in ThermiVa: Does it Work? A Trial looking at the use of radio-frequency device for vaginal atrophy, dyspareunia and mild urinary stress incontinence. Preliminary results presented in an oral presentation at the AGES Pelvic Floor Symposium 2017 (Adelaide).
Oral presentation on the use of mesh in prolapse surgery titled To Mesh or Not to Mesh? AGES Pelvic Floor Symposium 2017 (Adelaide)
Coauthor of oral presentation: Ultrasound and the Pelvic Floor. Presented at the Ian Donald School of Medicine Meeting by Professor Ajay Rane September 2017 (Dubai)
Burrell M, Dilgir S, Patton V, Parkin K, Karantanis E. Risk factors for obstetric anal sphincter injury and postpartum anal and urinary incontinence: a case-control trial. International Urogynaecology Journal. 2015 Mar;26(3): 383-9
Oral and Poster presentation on the Obstetric Anal Injury Trial at International Urogynaecology Conference, 2012 (Brisbane)
Dr Dilgir has previously worked with the Female Pelvic Health Unit in Townsville and she finds this website very useful for all things pelvic floor health related.
If you are going through Menopause the Australasian Menopause Society is an excellent resource!
If you are having self-image issues about your labia Dr Dilgir recommends this website which enables women to understand there are all different shapes and sizes of labia.
This is a good link to take a walk through some of the common operations Dr Dilgir performs.
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetrician and Gynaecologists provides an evidence based information guide for patients including some videos to help you better understand your surgery.