advanced laparoscopy

At Wahini Health, our team is enriched with professionals who have dedicated years to mastering the intricacies of minimally invasive procedures. Among our specialties is advanced laparoscopic surgery, with expertise in conducting complex hysterectomies, endometriosis removal, fibroid treatments, and ovarian cyst interventions via keyhole surgery. Our proficiency also extends to hysteroscopic surgeries, adeptly addressing uterine polyps, adhesions, and fibroids.

Recognising the sensitivities some may feel about gynaecological consultations, we prioritise creating an environment of comfort, understanding, and respect, ensuring every patient feels at ease during their consultation, treatment, and subsequent follow-ups at our clinic.

Understanding your symptoms

  • Heavy periods (Menorrhagia): Excessive menstrual bleeding.

    Absent periods (Amenorrhea): Missing one or more menstrual cycles.

    Painful periods (Dysmenorrhea): Severe menstrual cramps that can affect daily activities.

    Post-menopausal bleeding: Vaginal bleeding that occurs typically more than 12 months after a woman has experienced her last menstrual period and entered menopause.

    Pelvic pain (acute or chronic): Pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis. It can be sudden (acute) or persistent (chronic) and might be related to the reproductive, urinary, or digestive systems.

    Infertility: Difficulty in conceiving after trying for at least one year without using any birth control.

    Recurrent Miscarriage: Experiencing two or more miscarriages (spontaneous loss of pregnancy) consecutively.

    Contraception: Methods or devices used to prevent pregnancy.

    Abnormal vaginal discharge: Discharge from the vagina that might have an unusual odour, colour, or consistency, potentially indicating an infection or another medical condition.

    Vulvovaginal disorders (spasm, pain or itchiness in the vagina and vulva): A range of issues affecting the vagina and the external female genitalia (vulva) that can include spasms, pain, or itching.

    Abnormal cervical screen (previously known as a pap smear): A screening test to detect potential pre-cancerous and cancerous processes in the cervix. An "abnormal" result suggests that cell changes have been found on the cervix that may require further examination or treatment.

    Risk reduction surgery (if you are at high risk for gynaecological cancers): Surgical procedures aimed at reducing the risk of developing gynaecological cancers. Often considered by individuals with a high genetic predisposition or other significant risk factors for these cancers.